Saturday, May 12, 2007

The View From Here

Welcome to my blog. I'm inaugurating it on another tumultuous day in the world. In Pakistan, a brutal military dictator has managed to unite both democracy activists and radical islamist fundamentalists against him. While Karachi burns, Turkey heads for early elections to escape a political crisis. The results may have implications not only for the future of Turkish secularism, but for the future of the European Union as well. Europeans are ever more intensely debating who belongs inside their borders, and it is starting to transform their politics. Even at home in Canada, we are not immune to the insecurities found in continental Europe.

I believe that the most fundamental challenges facing our country are, in some form or another, the same challenges communities and countries around the world are grappling with. We are all daunted by the task of reconciling a growing population demanding a higher standard living with the finite resources of our planet. The social, economic, and political turmoil arising from the mass migration of people from areas of poverty to areas of affluence all stem from this basic problem. I also believe that the Canadian social experiment has, on the whole, been a resounding success, and that our largely tolerant, pluralistic, and diverse population is well positioned to tackle global problems.

Regrettably, we are saddled with a federal government that seems almost fearful of the ingenuity and intelligence of the people it governs. It shamelessly apes the governments of the USA and Australia (whose ruling party is its ideological soulmate) by replacing critical thinking about serious issues with asinine and divisive platitudes.

I started this blog as an opportunity to observe both global and domestic political events and offer my personal opinion on what they mean, and where they suggest we may be going. My upcoming posts will also provide me a chance to highlight the contributions of some the more obscure thinkers and statesmen of history, whose ideas I find exceptionally relevant today. More importantly, I invite readers in the blogosphere who may stumble upon my musings to offer their opinions, observations, criticism, and dissent. Have a good read!


Red Canuck said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to reading your views (references to obscure historical figures notwithstanding :))

May I suggest listing your site on an aggregator such as Ontario Blogs (or could be Ontario Bloggers...I can't remember) if you wish to increase the odds of people "stumbling across your musings".

Savvy said...

MD - Your awareness of global events and local issues is very evident from your introductory blog. I am not clear on the type of global problems you are referring to at the end of your second paragraph to agree with your statement that we are "well positioned to tackle global problems". I am, however, looking forward to reading your opinions on global issues and finding out how contributions of obscure thinkers of history relate to current issues.

Karen said...

Welcome md. It's always good to stumble on a new and apparently reasoned point of view.

I look forward to your future postings.

MD said...

Thanks for your comment knb. As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in a while. I've been pretty busy with other things of late, but I plan to start posting again very soon.